Made possible by gifts through the Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions

Can you imagine...

  • your family, together and all at once, learning how to know and share the gospel
  • your neighbors sitting at your dinner table asking your family about following Jesus
  • your family at that same table, praying for and encouraging each other to share the gospel
  • your grown children walking out your front door, ready for God to plant them elsewhere, to be rest for the weary, shelter for the wounded, and bringing others to meet Jesus

That is God’s design for your family and we are here to help you live out that design.

Tell you more? No worries...

  • Bring the whole family (loud babies and loud grandparents are welcome)
  • 7 minute interactive lessons (short attention span friendly)
  • Family talkback time (we will provide an easy peasy lemon squeezy no stress guide to follow)
  • Prayer training (no experience required)
  • Yes, lunch will be provided, but we will also teach you how to make sitting around your kitchen table more than just eating. We will teach you how to encourage one another, look out for each other and start a pattern of making your mealtimes more meaningful.
  • One of the best worship services you’ll ever experience (especially as a whole family)
  • Be sent home equipped, empowered and encouraged to introduce people to Jesus
  • Enjoy a fun block party experience designed to give you practical tools to invite your neighbors into your life. Seriously, you can do this, we can help.

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© 2024 Super Summer. All rights reserved.
Made possible by gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.